Today's BBB (Barnabas Brief Blog) is given with a little tongue in cheek related to the last two days of activity around our house. I do have a point, so wade through the rest with me and I will get to it as I close.
Yesterday and today were "honey do" list days at our house. One project was the securing and installation of a new porch swing. I had planned on building one because what I had seen was either too expensive or not quite the right color and design. Day before yesterday as I was traveling back from a trip to the Passion Play grounds at Eureka Springs, AR, with my Broco (Brother Cousin) I spotted a road side shop where a man was displaying several items made of cedar, including several swings. We stopped and found one exactly the right size, price, color and design, so we loaded it into the van and I brought it home. Immediately, the honey do list inceased by one project in the #1 position of priority.
After much very technical computation, and the application of hand saw, level, electric drill, tape measure, more leveling and a great deal of applied "sweat" to grease the swing, here is the result:
Today the list required another town visit to pick up potting soil, mulch and 440 pounds of decorative cement border blocks (40 of them). I picked up each one a total of probably 8 times from the stack at Home Depot to their final resting place around a new flower bed. (NOTE TO SELF: Muscles in arms need to be carefully watched for major expansion.) Arriving home, I took a quick nap and began the process of developing another piece of technical computation - how to build a flower bed border with rounded corners and use exactly the right number of bricks without piecing the last brick. My supervisor's keen eye (supervisor, i.e. the "honey" of the "do" list) gave several suggestions to which I was the willing "sweat-ee" in, again, lifting the blocks a few more times. Seriously, the suggestions were correct! Well, you can see the results in this picture of an 8 by 12 oblong flower bed.
Now, to quote from my vast french repertoire, I arrive at the "creme de la creme" or the "piece de resistance" of my day.
I don't know why the French say "piece de resistance" when I felt no RESISTANCE at all!
Yes, I take the WORD seriously when it says, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28
Take a big HINT from this BLOG - regardless of what you do as far as physical, emotional or spiritual labor that wears you down, find a SWING if you can, but ALWAYS RESPOND TO HE WHO CAN TRULY GIVE YOU REST! Be encouraged!